Monday, April 27, 2009

Types of Attacking

These are some types of attacking:


Scanning is the method how to get information as much as possible from IP / Network of the victim. Usually "scanning" automatically remember running "scanning" in the "multiple-host" very time consuming. "Hackers" often gather information from the results "scanning" this. By collecting the information necessary so "hackers" can be set up to do the attack. Nmap is a network scanner that is used by many professionals in the field of network security, although there is a special tool made for the purpose of hacking, but not yet can overcome the popularity nmap.

Nessus is also a network scanner, but it also will report if there is a chink security on the target diperiksanya. Hackers usually use Nessus to collection information prior to actually launch the attack. Fortunately scanner leave some "trace" a unique system that allows the administrator for the system to know that they are scanning so they can immediately read the latest articles related to the log information.

Password cracking.

Brute-force is a technique where will try to all possible keywords (password) to be able to guess to be able to access into a system. Disassemble keywords with this technique is very slow, but efficient, all keywords can be provided to guess the time available. To reverse "hash" in the keyword that is a thing impossible, but there are some ways to disassemble the keyword although success depends on the level strong from the weak selection of keywords by the user. If someone can take the data "hash" which stores the keyword and how the rather efficient is to be used with method using "dictionary attack" that can be done by John The Ripper utility. There are still several other ways, such as "hash look-up table" but very sequester "resources" and time.


Rootkit is a tool to remove the impression, when infiltration was done. Rootkit usually include some of the tools used by the system is modified so that can cover the trail. For example, modify the "PS" at the unix or linux so it can not be see the background process that runs